Palm Tree Lagoon - Latest Customer Catches September 2023


  Archived Catch Reports:

It was a great session for first timer Kelvin Marston when he came in September, culminating in the capture of the Palm Tree's World Record Siamese Carp that was last weighed at a staggering 252lb/114kg. He also caught a nice chao phraya catfish, tambaqui, alligator gar, striped catfish, as well as both Amazon and Asian redtail.
Matt Bowen smashed it on his return in September with three huge Siamese carp that included 'The Warrior', a massive Salawin rita catfish, and a pb alligator gar. In addition to this he caught the 'Friendly Mekong' multiple times, catla carp, Amazon redtail and more...
Oz Smith returned in September with John Harvey in tow, and smashed two of his pb’s firstly with an impressive Juliens golden price carp and then he followed it up with a belter of a Siamese carp. They also landed Mekong catfish, alligator gar, albino catfish shark, and striped catfish.
It was another successful session for John White in September with him landing three pbs namely Juliens golden price carp, black shark minnow and alligator gar. He also caught catla carp, Siamese carp, Mekong catfish, a number of good sized Amazon redtail and more…
Nevan joined us for a day in September catching some awesome fish that included Juliens golden price carp, tambaqui, a very plump ripsaw catfish, Siamese carp, Mekong catfish, Asian redtail and more...
Last time Thomas Beyer came to Palm Tree Lagoon he joined the BIG Catfish Club after catching a 300lb+ Mekong catfish, this time when he returned in September he joined the BIG Carp Club after a lengthy battle with the ‘Warrior’. He also landed striped catfish as well as both Amazon and Asian redtail.
Lee Hutton visited us for the first time in September with three goals in mind. Two of them he succeeded in meeting which were to catch a large Juliens golden price carp and a big Mekong catfish of which he caught two of that included the capture after a four hour plus battle with the ‘Friendly Mekong’. He vowed to return soon to tick the third one off the list which is a 100lb+ Siamese carp. He also caught ripsaw catfish which he considered a bonus, chao phraya catfish, Amazon redtail, striped catfish and more…
Dennis Gerzymisch was all smiles during his session in September catching a beauty of a Chinese black carp as well as ripsaw catfish, Siamese carp, a rarely caught crystal eyed catfish, Amazon redtail and more…
Benny and Lueng had a dabble during September catching a variety of species that included alligator gar, black shark minnow, arapaima, Juliens golden price carp, pacu, Siamese carp, albino pacu, as well as both Amazon and Asian redtail.
Trev Frammingham fished with us for the first time in September landing some nice fish that included Juliens golden price carp, alligator gar, striped catfish, and both Amazon and Asian redtail.
Herbie visited us for the first time in September and caught a variety of fish that included Siamese carp, alligator gar, tambaqui, ripsaw catfish, chao phraya catfish, striped catfish, as well as both Amazon and Asian redtail.
Scott Bradley had his first session at Palm Tree in September and was off to a good start with a marathon four hour plus battle with the 'Friendly Mekong'. He also landed a nice albino pacu, Siamese carp, Asian redtail and striped catfish.
Regulars Leigh Knott and Pat Lowe popped in for a quick session in September catching arapaima, Chao phraya catfish, tambaqui and more...
Ray Marston finally made it back to Palm Tree Lagoon in September and this time caught a pristine Juliens golden price carp, as well as alligator gar, Amazon redtail, striped catfish and more...
Tap of Bangkok Fishing Guide sent up some customers in September who caught some nice fish that included a rare small scale mud carp, as well as Siamese carp, Juliens golden price carp, rohu, striped catfish, and both Amazon and Asian redtail.
Fuad Kerimov and his uncle dropped by for a few hours in September landing a nice black shark minnow and some Amazon redtail.
Mark Cardoe returned in September catching some nice Amazon redtails as well as alligator gar, albino chao phraya catfish and more...
It was a quiet session by Brett Simmons standards when he returned in September, but he still caught catla carp, Siamese carp and a few others...
A couple of Malaysian anglers dropped in for a few hours predator fishing and well pleased with their catches of Amazon and Asian redtail.
Dave Cope visited us for the first time in September catching Amazon redtail, alligator gar and more...