Palm Tree Lagoon - Latest Customer Catches February 2022


  Archived Catch Reports:

Peter and Cat were back in February with two more clients who had an awesome session the pinnacle of which was a monstrous arapaima to enter the Palm Tree Lagoon BIG Arapaima Club. Other notably catches include a fabulous Chinese black carp, a lake record Chinese highfin catfish and a superb albino striped catfish. They also landed Siamese carp, the ‘Friendly Mekong’ for a second Palm Tree Lagoon BIG Fish club t-shirt, tambaqui, alligator gar, wallago attu, rohu, as well as both Amazon and Asian redtail.
Graham Wall was back in February and once again after a swim change and hence a change in fortune he landed ‘The Warrior’. He also caught some pristine catla carp as well as leopard catfish, alligator gar, rohu, Mekong catfish, Amazon redtail and striped catfish.
Michael Latawiec returned to Palm Tree after a three year absence in February and this time caught a stunning Chinese black carp. He also landed the ‘Friendly Mekong’ after a long battle, as well as giant gourami, rohu, and numerous Amazon redtail.
Vegas Apte was back and had another great session in February landing a variety of species that included black shark minnow, pacu, grass carp, Siamese carp, giant gourami, mollycot, Mekong catfish and Amazon redtail.
John Marshall visited us here at Palm Tree for the first time in February and successfully caught black shark minnow, alligator gar and striped catfish.
One of our Korean angling friends returned in February and this time caught Chinese bighead carp, Amazon redtail and striped catfish.
It was a slow day for Mike Cr in February but he still managed to catch a nice rohu and a swag of striped catfish.