Palm Tree Lagoon - Latest Customer Catches April 2024


  Archived Catch Reports:

Another angler who caught too many fish in April for a singe catch report was Mark Montague. In the first half of his six day session he landed some great fish that included an awesome African walking catfish, a right belter of a giant snakehead and a stunning alligator gar. He also caught his first Juliens golden price carp, rohu, Siamese carp, Mekong catfish, striped catfish, catfish shark, wels catfish, and both Amazon and Asian redtail.
Micky Quayle was back in April on his bi-annual visit bagging both ‘The Warrior’ and the ‘Friendly Mekong’ and so many other fish we had to split the catch report into two parts. Other fish landed in the first half of his session included an awesome Salawin rita catfish, striped catfish, chao phraya catfish, alligator gar, and both Amazon and Asian redtail.
Alex Perry had his first session at Palm Tree in April and what a session it turned out be landing not only ‘The Warrior’ but also a monstrous Mekong catfish, a huge Amazon redtail, as well as striped catfish, alligator gar, giant featherback and more…
John Gregory was back in April landing a couple of arapaima as well as a stunning ‘bar of silver’ albino chao Phraya, ‘The Warrior’, and more…
Chaianan Thapthai brought three clients up for the day in April and they caught some awesome fish that included a rare granulated catfish, a superb tambaqui, albino pacu, mollycot, striped catfish, Mekong catfish, and both Amazon and Asian redtail.
Kelly Reed and his son came down for the day catching some great fish that included golden snakehead, alligator gar, a number of chunky Mekong catfish, mollycot, as well as both Amazon and Asian redtail.
The guides had their usual dabble in April catching a number of great catches tat included Siamese carp, Mekong catfish, Chao Phraya catfish, pacu, Juliens golden price carp, African walking catfish, wels catfish, Amazon redtail and many more…
Brady Durrant and his girl friend were also first timers to Palm Tree in April and had a great session catching a number of chunky Mekong catfish and Siamese carp, as well as tambaqui, alligator gar, striped catfish, Chao Phraya catfish, and Amazon redtail.
The second half of Mark Montague’s session was just as successful catching more Juliens golden price carp, as well as arapaima, tambaqui, Mekong catfish, Siamese carp, African walking catfish, chao phraya catfish, wels catfish, striped catfish, and both Amazon and Asian redtail.
It was more big Siamese carp for Micky Quayle in the second half of his session in April as well as a number of chunky Amazon redtails, Mekong catfish, tambaqui, alligator gar, striped catfish, albino pacu, and Asian redtail.
Sturla Andreassen returned in April once again landing some great fish that included a rarely caught wallago leeri, as well as Siamese carp, Mekong catfish, alligator gar, striped catfish, Amazon redtail and more…
Long time customer Harald Klein returned in April catching black shark minnow, albino pacu, Mekong catfish, Amazon redtail and more…
John Harvey returned in April catching an awesome elephant ear gourami, as well as tambaqui, Mekong catfish, albino pacu, Amazon redtail and more…
Holger Hellmich visited for the first time in April and had a successful session catching ‘The Warrior’ as well as tambaqui, pacu, Chao Phraya catfish, alligator gar, wels catfish, striped catfish, and Amazon redtail.
Llorenç Rotés caught some nice fish in April despite the extremely hot conditions landing ‘The Warrior’, alligator gar, pacu, albino pacu and more…
Jon Miller caught some nice fish in April despite the heat landing tambaqui, Amazon redtail, albino pacu, chao Phraya catfish, Mekong catfish and more…
The hot weather was proving good for Mekong catfish for Tom Bear Fleet in April as he caught not one but two monstrous Mekong catfish as well as albino pacu, alligator gar, Amazon redtail and more…
Dave Brett returned in April and despite the very hot weather making the fishing exceptionally slow he still caught alligator gar, wells catfish, chao phraya catfish, Amazon redtail, striped catfish and more…
The extremely hot conditions in April were making the fishing tough for John Dearlove but he did still land a hard to catch wallago leeri as well as the ‘Friendly Mekong’, Amazon redtail, alligator gar and more…